Articles in this category

Activity Cards for Your Contacts

In the bustling world of customer relationship management, staying on top of contact activities is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Checking Conversation Message Details

All messages in your Conversations section have a vertical navigation menu.

Conversation AI

Welcome to the future of engaging and efficient business interactions!

Conversations Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll provide an overview of the Conversations section of your menu.

Custom Fields for Opportunities

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on utilizing the powerful custom fields feature for opportunities in our management system.

Failed Post Error in the Social Planner

In this article, you will learn what the failed post error code means in the Social Planner.

Google My Business Publishing Troubleshooting

In this article, you will learn how to troubleshoot Google My Business Publishing.

How To Export Opportunities

The CRM has always been at the forefront of providing efficient and user-friendly tools for businesses.

How To Use Trigger Links in SMS

In this article you will learn how to use trigger links in the SMS.

How to Build and Use an Unsubscribe Trigger Link

In this article, you will learn how to build and use an unsubscribe link. You can insert the link into any email or SMS to give your contacts the ability to unsubscribe from your communications.

How to Check Your Instagram Profile Type

In this article, you will learn how to check your Instagram Profile type.

How to Clear your Browser Cache

In this article we’ll go over how to clear your cache in various popular browsers.

How to Create and Edit Pipelines

Using the Pipelines feature, you can more efficiently manage your leads for your business.

How to End an Opportunity

In this article, we will learn how to end an opportunity. Sometimes, an opportunity is not going to work or be in the won status.

How to Fix Your SMS Settings if You Failed to Send SMS

You may be having trouble sending SMS messages through the app. This article will help you determine the issue by going through your Twilio account.

How to Send a Test Email and SMS

You may want to send a test email to yourself, or perhaps you want to run yourself through Qualifye using a workflow as a test/trial run. Both are easy to do, and yet slightly different.

How to Set Up Workflow Goal Events

Goal Events are powerful tools for automating and optimizing workflows.

How to Use the Document Manager in Conversations

In today's digital age, the ability to manage documents efficiently and effectively is crucial for businesses.

Lead Ad Debugging for Facebook

​If you are having issues with your FB Lead Form not bringing leads into the system or not fully functioning in the way you would expect, this article will walk you through how to use the FB Debugging Tool.

Loop Lockouts in Workflows

Loops occur when two Triggers either feed into each other or one Trigger feeds back into itself, creating an infinite loop of actions.

Opportunities Overview

In this article, you will learn more about how the opportunity tab works, and what you can do.

Order Form Fingerprint is Missing Error

If you ever run into the fingerprint is missing error we created this article to guide you through what it is and known solutions for this problem.

Troubleshooting Audio Issues

In this guide we will discuss troubleshooting methods for when you are experiencing audio issues with the Qualifye system.

Troubleshooting Domains

MXtoolbox is a popular online tool that can help you check your Domain's DNS records.

Using Filters and Bulk Actions in Conversations

Organizing your messages is easier than ever with Bulk Actions and Filters in Conversations.

What To Do If A Page Won't Load

If you're experiencing trouble with a page not loading, you may see a loading icon in the center of the screen.

Workflow Action: AI Appointment Booking Bot

If Qualifye is enabled with this feature, you can use the conversational tool within your workflows to automate booking appointments for your customers.

Workflow Action: Add Task

Adding a task to contact an assigned user can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add To Affiliate Campaign

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Add To Affiliate Campaign workflow action.

Workflow Action: Add To Notes

Adding a note to a specific contact can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add To Workflow

Adding a specific contact to separate workflows for sorting or continuing a process can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add to Affiliate Manager

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Add To Affiliate Manager workflow action.

Workflow Action: Assign To User

The workflow action: Assign To User, assigns a contact/lead to a user in your account via workflows.

Workflow Action: Call

The Call Action in workflows can be a useful tool in many applications. You can use this for connecting with clients and leads throughout your funnels and in other specific events.

Workflow Action: Copy Contact

The "Copy Contact" action within the Workflow Builder of the CRM is designed to offer flexibility and enhanced capabilities for contact management.

Workflow Action: Create/Update Opportunity

The Create/Update Opportunity Workflow Action allows you to set up a workflow that will automatically create or update an opportunity in a selected pipeline for any contacts that get added to the flow.

Workflow Action: Facebook - Add To Custom Audience

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Facebook - Add to Custom Audience

Workflow Action: Facebook - Conversion API

If you’re running Facebook ads, you’ll likely want to take advantage of the Conversions API.

Workflow Action: Facebook - Remove From Custom Audience

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Facebook - Remove From Custom Audience.

Workflow Action: GMB Messaging

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: GMB Messaging and be given an example of its custom values.

Workflow Action: Go To

The “Go To” Workflow action can be added to the end of a Workflow path to send the contact to any given point in a specific path.

Workflow Action: If/Else

Using the If/Else Workflow condition allows you to create different paths within a Workflow.

Workflow Action: Instagram DM

In the article you will learn how to set up the Workflow Action: Instagram DM

Workflow Action: Manual Call

The Manual Call Event creates a queue so someone logs into Qualifye, they can view a call list and utilize the call function to call through that list.

Workflow Action: Manual SMS

The Manual SMS Action within a Workflow creates a manual task for the user to send a custom SMS to the associated lead.

Workflow Action: Math Operation

The Math Operation action will allow you to make calculations based on what is in a particular field and update fields with the output.

Workflow Action: Membership Revoke Offer

The Membership Revoke Offer Workflow Action allows you to create a workflow that automatically revokes a membership offer from any contact that is added to the workflow.

Workflow Action: Messenger

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Messenger. (Please note you must have a Facebook business profile already integrated within the account)

Workflow Action: Remove Assigned User

The Remove Assigned User Workflow Action removes any assigned user from a contact that is added to the workflow, leaving the contact without any users assigned to it.

Workflow Action: Remove From Affiliate Campaign

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Remove From Affiliate Campaign workflow action.

Workflow Action: Remove From All Workflows

In this article, you will learn more about the Remove From All Workflows action.

Workflow Action: Remove From Workflow

The Remove From Workflow Workflow Action can be used to create a workflow that will automatically remove a contact from either this workflow or a separate specified workflow.

Workflow Action: Remove Opportunity

The Remove Opportunity Workflow Action will allow you to create a workflow that will automatically remove an opportunity from a selected pipeline for any contacts that get added to a workflow.

Workflow Action: Send Email

In this article, you will learn more about the Send Email action.

Workflow Action: Send Internal Notification

In this article, you will learn how to send an internal notification, select who receives the notification, and an example if they scheduled an appointment.

Workflow Action: Send Review Request

In this article, you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Send Review Request and where to navigate if you want to customize the layout of the SMS/Email.

Workflow Action: Send SMS

In this article, you will learn how to send clients SMS messages as well as different add-on actions that can be implemented.

Workflow Action: Send To Eliza Agent Platform

The Send to Eliza Agent Platform Workflow Action can let you create a workflow that will automatically send contacts that get added to this workflow to the Eliza Agent platform.

Workflow Action: Set Contact DND

In this article, you will learn more about the Set Contact DND action.

Workflow Action: Set Event Start Date

The Event Start Date action allows you to build automation around a specific date & time.

Workflow Action: Update Affiliate

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Update Affiliate workflow action.

Workflow Action: Update Appointment Status

In this article, you will learn more about the Update Appointment Status action.

Workflow Action: Update Custom Value

In this article, we will briefly show how to use the Update Custom Value action in Workflows to update a custom value.

Workflow Action: Voicemail

In this article, we will explain the workflow action Voicemail, how to add one to a workflow and give an example of what it can be used for.

Workflow Action: Wait

Using the Wait action in the Workflow Builder allows you to hold Contacts before advancing to the next step of a Workflow.

Workflow Action: Webhook

Using a webhook with Zapier or in advanced cases other programs using API management solutions is possible with Qualifye.

Workflow Actions: Add to Google Adwords

The Add to Google Adwords Workflow Action allows you to fire a conversion event in Google Ads within a workflow.

Workflow Guide: Add Form Answers to Contact Notes

You may want the form submissions that you receive to automatically populate customer information into the notes section of your customer contacts.

Workflow Guide: Granting an Offer

Once a lead has purchased in an order form, you can automate adding an offer to their record so they can access a specific offer.

Workflow Guide: Notification for Opened Emails

Here is a guide on how to get an email notification whenever a contact opens an email.

Workflow Guide: Notification for Tasks

In the event that you would like to notify your users by email when a task is assigned to them, you can set up a workflow to do so automatically.

Workflow Guide: Sending Membership Credentials

This guide assumes that your contacts are granted access to the membership offer through another method or workflow.

Workflow Tigger: Email Events

In this article you will find out how to create a workflow trigger: Email Events and the scenarios on why it would be used

Workflow Trigger: Affiliate Created

If you add an affiliate manually or with the Add To Affiliate Manager action you can trigger a workflow to add them to a campaign automatically and more.

Workflow Trigger: Appointment Status

One very common Workflow Trigger you may want to use is the Appointment Status Workflow Trigger.

Workflow Trigger: Birthday Reminder

One Workflow Trigger that is helpful to create a more personalized experience for your clients is the Birthday Reminder trigger.

Workflow Trigger: Call Status

The Call Status Workflow Trigger can be used to trigger workflows when a call status is detected.

Workflow Trigger: Category Completed

The Membership Category Completed trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific category in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Completed Task

The Task Completed Trigger is a powerful feature in the CRM designed to initiate a set of pre-defined actions or automations when a task status changes to "completed."

Workflow Trigger: Contact Created

The Contact Created Workflow Trigger will add a contact to this workflow whenever one is created.

Workflow Trigger: Custom Date Reminder

In this article, you will learn how to set up a custom date reminder workflow trigger, and an example of what it can be used for.

Workflow Trigger: Customer Replied

The Customer Replied Workflow Trigger runs when an incoming message is received from a contact.

Workflow Trigger: Facebook Lead Form Submitted

The Facebook Lead Form Submitted Workflow Trigger will allow you to create a workflow that is triggered by the submission of a Facebook lead form.

Workflow Trigger: Invoice

In this article, we will explain how to set up a workflow trigger: Invoice, and how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Category Started

The Membership Category Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific category in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Lesson Completed

The Membership Lesson Completed will activate a Workflow when a contact completes a lesson within a category in a membership product.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Lesson Started

The Membership Lesson Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific lesson in a membership course.

Workflow Trigger: Membership New Signup

Membership New Signup will activate when a contact is granted an offer for the first time.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Product Completed

The Product Completed Workflow Trigger allows you to start a workflow whenever a customer completes one or a selection of your Membership Products.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Product Started

The Membership Product Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific product in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Note Added

The Note Added Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a note is added to a contact in your account.

Workflow Trigger: Note Changed

The Note Changed Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a note is changed within a contact in your account.

Workflow Trigger: Offer Access Granted

Offer Access Granted will activate when a contact is granted an offer whatsoever.

Workflow Trigger: Opportunity Status Changed

The Opportunity Status Changed Workflow Trigger can be used to trigger a workflow whenever a contact who is listed within one of your Pipelines is transferred from one opportunity status to another.

Workflow Trigger: Order Form Submission

The Order Form Submission Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a contact/customer submits an order form.

Workflow Trigger: Order Submitted

The Order Submitted trigger is a powerful new workflow trigger that allows you to upsell customers after they have submitted an order.

Workflow Trigger: Payment Received

The Payment Received trigger automates processes and actions based on incoming payments when used in a workflow.

Workflow Trigger: Pipeline Stage Changed

The Pipeline Stage Changed Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that is triggered in the event of a contact experiencing a change in which Pipeline Stage they are assigned to.

Workflow Trigger: Product Access Granted

The Product Access Granted Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact is given access to your membership products.

Workflow Trigger: Product Access Removed

The Product Access Removed Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact's access to your membership products has been removed.

Workflow Trigger: Proposal & Estimate

In this article, you will learn how to utilize the Proposals and Estimates trigger to trigger a workflow for use cases based on the change in the state of the document you sent through the Proposal and Estimates tab.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Abandoned Checkout

In this article, you will learn how to integrate your Shopify store as well as set up the abandoned trigger and an example of how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Order Fulfilled

In this article, you will learn how to set up the order fulfilled trigger and an example of how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Order Placed

In this article you will learn the workflow trigger Shopify order placed; this will run anytime someone places an order in your Shopify store.

Workflow Trigger: Stale Opportunities

The Stale Opportunities Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact has had the “open” status for a set number of days.

Workflow Trigger: Survey Submitted

In this article, you will learn how to set up the workflow trigger form submitted.

Workflow Trigger: Task Reminder

In this article, you will learn how to set up the workflow trigger task reminder and the purpose of each filter.

Workflow Trigger: TikTok Form Submitted

The TikTok Form Submitted Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that is triggered whenever a contact submits a TikTok Lead Form.

Workflow Trigger: Trigger Link Clicked

In this article, you will learn how to set up a Trigger Link, what it can be used for, and one example.

Workflow Trigger: Twilio Validation Error

The Twilio Validation Error Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will be triggered in the event of a validation error occurring with your use of Twilio.

Workflow Trigger: User Login (Membership Login)

Workflows can be created for a multitude of triggering actions, with any series of follow-up actions/events you wish to customize for your business.

Workflow Trigger: Video Tracking

The Video Tracking Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a lead watches a certain percentage of a video that you have uploaded to your account.

Workflow Trigger: WhatsApp

In this article, you will learn how the WhatsApp trigger and action works.

Workflow Triggers: Opportunity Triggers

This article will delve into two essential workflow triggers that the CRM has introduced: "Opportunity Created" and "Opportunity Changed".

Workflow trigger: Task Added

In this article, you will learn how to set up the Workflow trigger: Task Added, and how it functions.

test page

made for testing

How to View Account Transactions

Here we show you how to access all of your account's transactions and fees

Phone Number Settings Explained

Are you unsure what all the phone number settings are within? Don't worry - mastering these different settings isn't as difficult as it may seem.

Gmail 2-Way Email Sync

Users can connect their personal Gmail email accounts and sync outgoing & incoming emails between the system and their personal Gmail accounts.

How to Use the Dialer Feature (Webapp and Multi User)

Using as a “softphone” for outbound calls is an excellent way to communicate with leads for one-time calls or for calling through lists. This article will cover calling specific contacts for one-time calls. Please see other articles related.

LC Phone Fees

Subscriptions do not include data charges for text messaging, phone calls, and emails. We've made it highly affordable to pay as you go instead of having to pay higher monthly fees for data you don't ever use.

How To Buy a Toll Free Number

It is very important for your business that you know how to buy a toll-free number. In this article, you will see an easy step-by-step on how to purchase this number.

How to Create or Edit Your Email Signature

Email Signatures are very helpful to concisely provide information about yourself and your business at the end of an email.

LC Email Fees

Subscriptions do not include data charges for text messaging, phone calls, and emails. We've made it highly affordable to pay as you go instead of having to pay higher monthly fees for data you don't ever use.

How to Use the Email Builder and Its In-Line Editor

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the Email Builder and its Inline Editor, empowering you to streamline your email creation process and create compelling campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Pricing and Fees for the A2P 10DLC Service

Starting July 5, 2023, all 10DLC phone numbers used to send SMS and MMS messages to U.S. numbers must be registered to an approved campaign under your brand.

Using the Voicemail Feature

Part One: Where To Upload Voicemail Files

How To Add the RSS Elements to Your Email Templates

RSS enables you as a business owner to deliver updates and newly published blog content via email.

Phone Messaging Policy

We all expect that the messages we want to receive will reach us, unhindered by filtering or other blockers. An important step that our customers can take to make that expectation a reality is to prevent and eliminate unwanted messages.

Sev-0 Fines on Prohibited A2P Traffic

This applies to all messaging that traverses the T-Mobile network.

Masking Sender Emails - From Name and Address

In this article we will go over the different options to customize your sending email address and from name.

Missed Call Text Back

In this article we will discuss the ways to setup Missed Call Text Back in your system!

Email Analytics

Email analytics allow you to filter contacts by email stats. This provides deeper insights, enabling you to refine email campaigns. You can filter contacts based on specific email stats, including Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Complaine

How To Record Calls And Listen To Recordings

In this article we go over how to record and listen to calls.

Options within the Dialer

This article will walk through your options while you are on an outbound call through .

Using Mobile Formatting in the Email Builder

Using the Email builder, you can format emails for mobile devices.

A2P 10DLC Best Practices

A2P 10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers.

How To Use RSS Feeds in the Email Builder

In this article, you will learn how to use RSS Feeds in the Email Builder and how to send RSS email campaigns.

A2P Sole Proprietor Brand Registration

This simplified guide will help you navigate through the registration process for A2P (Application-to-Person) Sole Proprietor Brands.

How to Change the Content of an Ongoing Email Campaign

In this article, you will learn how to edit the content of an ongoing email campaign.

A2P 10DLC Campaign Vetting Changes

Due to an industry change that's looking to improve and reduce spam, fraud, unwanted messaging and protect SMS as a trusted communications channel in the U.S

Video Element in the Email Builder

The video element in the email builder allows you to add video previews to your email templates and campaigns.

Email Authentication - DMARC

DMARC is a validation system for incoming emails. It checks that the domain of the From email address matches the domain the message is actually being sent through.

Whisper Message

A whisper message is a short message that you hear on your end of the line when a call is connected. It can help you best serve your customers and have context for a call. To set up your whisper message, follow these steps:

"Add This Event To Your Calendar” Custom Values

In an appointment reminder, you may want to include the "Add This To Your Calendar" option to make it easy for your customers to simply put the event in their personal calendar.

​How To Get an Outbound Phone Number

Unlock seamless communication with your clients through outbound phone numbers.

How To Convert Voicemail Drop Files into MP3 or WAV

Voicemail Drops require mp3 or wav audio files. This article shows how to properly convert your audio voicemail file to properly utilize Voicemail Drops.

How to Import a Template to the Email Builder (Campaign)

In this article, you will learn how to import an email template from Active Campaign or Mailchimp.

How To Use the Email Builder

The Email Builder is an important section of Qualifye. In it, you can create and save templates and schedule email campaigns.

Inbound Call Routing to the LeadConnector Mobile App

Inbound Call Routing is the process that happens when a prospect calls back the phone number from a text message or the phone call that they received from outbound number.

How to Use SMS and Phone Number Validation

You may have SMS validation enabled, allowing to check phone numbers for you at the time of SMS sending.

List Unsubscribe Headers

The list-unsubscribe header is an additional ‘unsubscribe’ link generated by some of the most common email providers (Gmail, Outlook, etc.).

Setting Up a Voicemail Drop and Voicemail Drop FAQs

A Voicemail Drop is utilized to accelerate the process of leaving voicemail messages.

What To Do If Your RSS Email Body Is Showing HTML Tags

Within the Email Builder, you may be using the RSS Header or RSS Item elements. These are files that are read easily by a computer (XML files) that automatically update information across sites.

How To Increase Message Deliverability

One of the best ways to ensure Messaging deliverability is high, is by verifying your toll-free number

Using Custom Fonts in the Email Builder

When creating your own HTML Email Design System, you may want to use a custom font beyond the standard ones available.

Call Tracking

Call tracking is a powerful tool for businesses looking to understand the origins of their incoming calls, whether they stem from email blasts, Facebook ads, Google ads, or other marketing efforts.

How to Connect SendGrid as your SMTP Service

If you are using SendGrid for emails, you can connect your account to Qualifye to integrate it and send emails directly through Qualifye.

2-way Email Sync for Outlook

With Outlook 2 way sync, you can use your personal Outlook account with Qualifye to send and receive emails.

SMS Attachment Size Limits

SMS carriers and have attachment file size limitations to prevent deliverability issues and to make sure that their servers are not overloaded with hefty file sizes while millions of people around the world use their services to send SMS.

CC and BCC Features to Our Email Composer

Our email composer is equipped with the functionality of CC and BCC capabilities, providing a robust emailing experience.

SMTP Error Code Tables

In this article, you will see more error codes that you can receive depending on the SMTP you are using.

Forwarding Address and BCC in Email Setup

There are many options for setting up your email within the Settings, to include a forwarding address, BCC, reply address, or even forwarding to an assigned user.

Integrating Gmail for Email Service

Integrating Gmail as your Email Service provider is one option for sending emails to your leads.

Masking the Sender's Name and Email Address in Qualifye Emails

There are several ways that you can specify the “From” information for emails within Qualifye.

Using the FAQ Element, Save Icon, and Product Element in the Email Builder

Welcome to the future of email marketing! In this guide, we will explore the features of our Email Builder: the FAQ Element, Product Element, and the Save Icon.

Email Templates vs Email Campaigns

The main difference between an email template and an email campaign is that a template is the foundation and layout of an email preset and a campaign is an actual email message that is sent out and delivered.

Best Practices To Prevent Your Emails from Ending up in Spam

In this article, we will review some best practices for email deliverability. There are several factors that can affect how mailbox providers (such as Google, Yahoo, etc.) make decisions to either flag your email as spam, or allow them to a

Understanding Email Verification

In this article, you will learn about email validation, exploring its significance, the validation process, and its profound impact on email deliverability.

Image AI in the Email Builder

The Image AI integration resolves the pain point of creating high-quality images that are personalized and optimized for the best visual impact.

How to Find Hidden or Broken Elements in the Email Builder

This article will teach you how to view hidden or broken elements inside an email.

Trigger Links in the Email Builder

Trigger links are a handy feature of your system. Here’s how to easily include them in an email created in the Email Builder.

How To Use Trigger Links in Emails

Trigger links are a great way to pivot off a "click" within an Email and direct the contact to a specific website at the same time.

Qualifye Email Unsubscribe Link

This option is only for users who are using the Qualifye email system.

Email Deliverability 101

Email deliverability is the measurement of emails that go to your Subscribers’ inboxes vs. spam/junk folders.

Test Email Error Troubleshooting

​When testing a campaign email, you may receive a popup notification with an error message that states "An error occurred, please try again." The message will look like this:

Email Attachment Size Limits

In this article, you will learn the file size limit of the attachments you can add to an Email.

Content AI in the Email Builder

Writing assistant Content AI helps generate 10X faster.

How to send a Regular Email Campaign

In this article, you will learn how to send a regular email campaign. This email can be sent right away or scheduled to many contacts at once.

How To Hide Email Elements In The Mobile View Of Your Email Builder

Using the Email builder, you can format emails for mobile devices. Optimizing the mobile view of an email is critical to ensure it works well on a mobile device, which is how many people will view your email.

Introducing Email Errors

In this article, you will learn about the email errors you may get using Mailgun and G Suite and what you can do to fix this.

Checking Email Statistics

This tutorial will show you how to check email stats for sent and scheduled emails.

Email Builder: Understanding Advance Conditions for Smart Lists and Tags

In this article, you will learn about the advanced conditions for smart lists and tags.