Workflow Actions

Workflow Action: AI Appointment Booking Bot

If Qualifye is enabled with this feature, you can use the conversational tool within your workflows to automate booking appointments for your customers.

Workflow Action: Add Task

Adding a task to contact an assigned user can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add To Affiliate Campaign

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Add To Affiliate Campaign workflow action.

Workflow Action: Add To Notes

Adding a note to a specific contact can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add To Workflow

Adding a specific contact to separate workflows for sorting or continuing a process can be automated.

Workflow Action: Add to Affiliate Manager

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Add To Affiliate Manager workflow action.

Workflow Action: Assign To User

The workflow action: Assign To User, assigns a contact/lead to a user in your account via workflows.

Workflow Action: Call

The Call Action in workflows can be a useful tool in many applications. You can use this for connecting with clients and leads throughout your funnels and in other specific events.

Workflow Action: Copy Contact

The "Copy Contact" action within the Workflow Builder of the CRM is designed to offer flexibility and enhanced capabilities for contact management.

Workflow Action: Create/Update Opportunity

The Create/Update Opportunity Workflow Action allows you to set up a workflow that will automatically create or update an opportunity in a selected pipeline for any contacts that get added to the flow.

Workflow Action: Facebook - Add To Custom Audience

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Facebook - Add to Custom Audience

Workflow Action: Facebook - Conversion API

If you’re running Facebook ads, you’ll likely want to take advantage of the Conversions API.

Workflow Action: Facebook - Remove From Custom Audience

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Facebook - Remove From Custom Audience.

Workflow Action: GMB Messaging

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: GMB Messaging and be given an example of its custom values.

Workflow Action: Go To

The “Go To” Workflow action can be added to the end of a Workflow path to send the contact to any given point in a specific path.

Workflow Action: If/Else

Using the If/Else Workflow condition allows you to create different paths within a Workflow.

Workflow Action: Instagram DM

In the article you will learn how to set up the Workflow Action: Instagram DM

Workflow Action: Manual Call

The Manual Call Event creates a queue so someone logs into Qualifye, they can view a call list and utilize the call function to call through that list.

Workflow Action: Manual SMS

The Manual SMS Action within a Workflow creates a manual task for the user to send a custom SMS to the associated lead.

Workflow Action: Math Operation

The Math Operation action will allow you to make calculations based on what is in a particular field and update fields with the output.

Workflow Action: Membership Revoke Offer

The Membership Revoke Offer Workflow Action allows you to create a workflow that automatically revokes a membership offer from any contact that is added to the workflow.

Workflow Action: Messenger

In the article you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Messenger. (Please note you must have a Facebook business profile already integrated within the account)

Workflow Action: Remove Assigned User

The Remove Assigned User Workflow Action removes any assigned user from a contact that is added to the workflow, leaving the contact without any users assigned to it.

Workflow Action: Remove From Affiliate Campaign

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Remove From Affiliate Campaign workflow action.

Workflow Action: Remove From All Workflows

In this article, you will learn more about the Remove From All Workflows action.

Workflow Action: Remove From Workflow

The Remove From Workflow Workflow Action can be used to create a workflow that will automatically remove a contact from either this workflow or a separate specified workflow.

Workflow Action: Remove Opportunity

The Remove Opportunity Workflow Action will allow you to create a workflow that will automatically remove an opportunity from a selected pipeline for any contacts that get added to a workflow.

Workflow Action: Send Email

In this article, you will learn more about the Send Email action.

Workflow Action: Send Internal Notification

In this article, you will learn how to send an internal notification, select who receives the notification, and an example if they scheduled an appointment.

Workflow Action: Send Review Request

In this article, you will learn how to properly set up the Workflow Action: Send Review Request and where to navigate if you want to customize the layout of the SMS/Email.

Workflow Action: Send SMS

In this article, you will learn how to send clients SMS messages as well as different add-on actions that can be implemented.

Workflow Action: Send To Eliza Agent Platform

The Send to Eliza Agent Platform Workflow Action can let you create a workflow that will automatically send contacts that get added to this workflow to the Eliza Agent platform.

Workflow Action: Set Contact DND

In this article, you will learn more about the Set Contact DND action.

Workflow Action: Set Event Start Date

The Event Start Date action allows you to build automation around a specific date & time.

Workflow Action: Update Affiliate

In this article, we will walk through how to use the Update Affiliate workflow action.

Workflow Action: Update Appointment Status

In this article, you will learn more about the Update Appointment Status action.

Workflow Action: Update Custom Value

In this article, we will briefly show how to use the Update Custom Value action in Workflows to update a custom value.

Workflow Action: Voicemail

In this article, we will explain the workflow action Voicemail, how to add one to a workflow and give an example of what it can be used for.

Workflow Action: Wait

Using the Wait action in the Workflow Builder allows you to hold Contacts before advancing to the next step of a Workflow.

Workflow Action: Webhook

Using a webhook with Zapier or in advanced cases other programs using API management solutions is possible with Qualifye.

Workflow Actions: Add to Google Adwords

The Add to Google Adwords Workflow Action allows you to fire a conversion event in Google Ads within a workflow.