LC Phone Fees


Subscriptions do not include data charges for text messaging, phone calls, and emails. We've made it highly affordable to pay as you go instead of having to pay higher monthly fees for data you don't ever use. This allows you to add unlimited contacts without getting charged, which is unique, because most CRM platforms charge for quantity of contacts, not just data. You'll only get charged for the data you use to communicate with contacts, so add as many contacts as your heart desires (assuming they've asked to be contacted by you).

💡Please note: that these charges are handled by LC and are subject to change at anytime. We pay these exact same fees and offer them to you at no additional markup.

Additional charges include the following:

Phone System:

Making CallsReceiving Calls Text Messages
$10 will give you about 475 calls$10 will give you about 780 calls$10 will give you about 840 segments

Phone Numbers:

Local: $1.72/Per month

Toll free: $3.22/Per month

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