Workflow Triggers

Workflow Tigger: Email Events

In this article you will find out how to create a workflow trigger: Email Events and the scenarios on why it would be used

Workflow Trigger: Affiliate Created

If you add an affiliate manually or with the Add To Affiliate Manager action you can trigger a workflow to add them to a campaign automatically and more.

Workflow Trigger: Appointment Status

One very common Workflow Trigger you may want to use is the Appointment Status Workflow Trigger.

Workflow Trigger: Birthday Reminder

One Workflow Trigger that is helpful to create a more personalized experience for your clients is the Birthday Reminder trigger.

Workflow Trigger: Call Status

The Call Status Workflow Trigger can be used to trigger workflows when a call status is detected.

Workflow Trigger: Category Completed

The Membership Category Completed trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific category in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Completed Task

The Task Completed Trigger is a powerful feature in the CRM designed to initiate a set of pre-defined actions or automations when a task status changes to "completed."

Workflow Trigger: Contact Created

The Contact Created Workflow Trigger will add a contact to this workflow whenever one is created.

Workflow Trigger: Custom Date Reminder

In this article, you will learn how to set up a custom date reminder workflow trigger, and an example of what it can be used for.

Workflow Trigger: Customer Replied

The Customer Replied Workflow Trigger runs when an incoming message is received from a contact.

Workflow Trigger: Facebook Lead Form Submitted

The Facebook Lead Form Submitted Workflow Trigger will allow you to create a workflow that is triggered by the submission of a Facebook lead form.

Workflow Trigger: Invoice

In this article, we will explain how to set up a workflow trigger: Invoice, and how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Category Started

The Membership Category Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific category in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Lesson Completed

The Membership Lesson Completed will activate a Workflow when a contact completes a lesson within a category in a membership product.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Lesson Started

The Membership Lesson Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific lesson in a membership course.

Workflow Trigger: Membership New Signup

Membership New Signup will activate when a contact is granted an offer for the first time.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Product Completed

The Product Completed Workflow Trigger allows you to start a workflow whenever a customer completes one or a selection of your Membership Products.

Workflow Trigger: Membership Product Started

The Membership Product Started trigger will activate a Workflow when a contact begins or interacts with a specific product in a membership.

Workflow Trigger: Note Added

The Note Added Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a note is added to a contact in your account.

Workflow Trigger: Note Changed

The Note Changed Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a note is changed within a contact in your account.

Workflow Trigger: Offer Access Granted

Offer Access Granted will activate when a contact is granted an offer whatsoever.

Workflow Trigger: Opportunity Status Changed

The Opportunity Status Changed Workflow Trigger can be used to trigger a workflow whenever a contact who is listed within one of your Pipelines is transferred from one opportunity status to another.

Workflow Trigger: Order Form Submission

The Order Form Submission Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a contact/customer submits an order form.

Workflow Trigger: Order Submitted

The Order Submitted trigger is a powerful new workflow trigger that allows you to upsell customers after they have submitted an order.

Workflow Trigger: Payment Received

The Payment Received trigger automates processes and actions based on incoming payments when used in a workflow.

Workflow Trigger: Pipeline Stage Changed

The Pipeline Stage Changed Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that is triggered in the event of a contact experiencing a change in which Pipeline Stage they are assigned to.

Workflow Trigger: Product Access Granted

The Product Access Granted Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact is given access to your membership products.

Workflow Trigger: Product Access Removed

The Product Access Removed Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact's access to your membership products has been removed.

Workflow Trigger: Proposal & Estimate

In this article, you will learn how to utilize the Proposals and Estimates trigger to trigger a workflow for use cases based on the change in the state of the document you sent through the Proposal and Estimates tab.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Abandoned Checkout

In this article, you will learn how to integrate your Shopify store as well as set up the abandoned trigger and an example of how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Order Fulfilled

In this article, you will learn how to set up the order fulfilled trigger and an example of how it can be used.

Workflow Trigger: Shopify Order Placed

In this article you will learn the workflow trigger Shopify order placed; this will run anytime someone places an order in your Shopify store.

Workflow Trigger: Stale Opportunities

The Stale Opportunities Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will trigger whenever a contact has had the “open” status for a set number of days.

Workflow Trigger: Survey Submitted

In this article, you will learn how to set up the workflow trigger form submitted.

Workflow Trigger: Task Reminder

In this article, you will learn how to set up the workflow trigger task reminder and the purpose of each filter.

Workflow Trigger: TikTok Form Submitted

The TikTok Form Submitted Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that is triggered whenever a contact submits a TikTok Lead Form.

Workflow Trigger: Trigger Link Clicked

In this article, you will learn how to set up a Trigger Link, what it can be used for, and one example.

Workflow Trigger: Twilio Validation Error

The Twilio Validation Error Workflow Trigger allows you to build a workflow that will be triggered in the event of a validation error occurring with your use of Twilio.

Workflow Trigger: User Login (Membership Login)

Workflows can be created for a multitude of triggering actions, with any series of follow-up actions/events you wish to customize for your business.

Workflow Trigger: Video Tracking

The Video Tracking Workflow Trigger allows you to trigger a workflow whenever a lead watches a certain percentage of a video that you have uploaded to your account.

Workflow Trigger: WhatsApp

In this article, you will learn how the WhatsApp trigger and action works.

Workflow Triggers: Opportunity Triggers

This article will delve into two essential workflow triggers that the CRM has introduced: "Opportunity Created" and "Opportunity Changed".

Workflow trigger: Task Added

In this article, you will learn how to set up the Workflow trigger: Task Added, and how it functions.