Workflow Guide: Sending Membership Credentials

Workflow Membership Credentials/Welcome Email

Please Note: This guide assumes that your contacts are granted access to the membership offer through another method or workflow.

  1. Select 
  2. On the right side of the screen, there is an “
  1. Select the green “
  1. Next, select the 
  • Blue highlighted values are shown below
  • This will only work 
  • Select the green “
  • Publish the workflow and save!

Example of Granting an offer:

Please Note: In this example workflow, we will be “Granting an offer to a membership” as if the client made a purchase 

  • In this example, it's an order form as if they had made a purchase (On a funnel or website, on a particular page, a product, and the submission type.)
  • Next grant the offer – This will trigger the workflow guide that was created (
  • Select the “
  • Select the “

For example: Making an email that confirms their purchase (you can add a custom message 

  • Make sure you click the “
  • You can also “
  • If you want someone to know internally that the customer made a purchase you can do so by Selecting “
  • Click the “
  • Once completed select the “

This will now notify an internal user of your choice.

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Workflow Guide: Notification for Tasks