How to send a Regular Email Campaign


In this article, you will learn how to send a regular email campaign. This email can be sent right away or scheduled to many contacts at once. 

Part 1: Create the email

  • Head to Marketing > Emails > Campaigns - Create Campaign
  • Select the Email Template which you would like to create a Marketing Email Campaign
  • Design your email and content by adding all the necessary elements
  • You can save your email campaign and edit it if needed later until you are ready to send it

Part 2: Send Email

  • Click on “Send or Schedule”
  • Fill out the information in the 
  • Add your subject line in the Subject section
  • Select the option to Send Now or Schedule (Depending on when you want to send the email, now or later)
  • If you choose the 

Note: You can reschedule your campaign one hour before the execution date/time. To do this, click on the reschedule button and set the date/time of the campaign. 

You can also send the campaign via email as a test. This will help you to see how your email will be seen by your leads. 

Click on the 3 dots on the left side of the Save button and click on Test Email. Add the details and click on “Send Test Email”. 

Note: You can restore older versions by clicking on the 3 dots next to the Save button. It will show you the dropdown option to see the version history and restore the older version. 

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