Lead Scoring

What is Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring (sometimes referred to as "engagement scoring") is a simple way to track and display lead activity. When using lead scoring, you and your team will know exactly where your hottest leads are at a glance!

Our Scoring System

Our scoring system is broken down into 5 simple and easy to use categories:

  • Hot: For new leads, or leads that are actively replying.
  • Warm: For leads that were recently active (within 1-2 weeks)
  • Cold: For leads that fell off or went inactive (after 2-3 weeks)
  • Sold: For sold deals/customers
  • DNQ: For bad/fake leads, or someone who did not qualify

How does it work?

The way our scoring system works is by dynamically placing tags. The tags we use match the score name. For example the tag name for Hot is "hot". 

When using our done for you workflows, this system runs automatically. You can always manually override the score by manually adding the respected tag or by using the scoring system on the contact/message card levels

What does it look like?

What makes our scoring system unique is that we not only see the tag from the "contacts" >> "all" tab. But you can see a visual representation on the contacts card. Making is supper easy for you and your team to know where the hottest leads are at a glance!

Things to note

  1. Only one tag/score can be applied at a time
  2. Deleting and of the tags or changing their names will cause this not to work. Although don't worry! If you accidently delete the tag, adding it back will make it work again!

Tags Used

  • hot
  • warm
  • cold
  • sold
  • dnq

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